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Hiking shoes are footwear specifically designed for protecting the feet and ankles during outdoor walking activities such as hiking. They are one of the most important items of hiking gear since their quality and durability can determine a hiker's ability to walk long distances without injury.
Crampons are an important accessory to pair with your hiking shoes when conditions may be icy or slippery. They help you to get a grip on the ground and prevent falling. These are a great fit for any Icelandic adventure, both for any outdoor activities and hiking in the Icelandic mountains.
Hiking Crampons - Features
- High stability through low peaks system
- Easy to wear without additional ring or loop
- Using special material for elastomeric band nonfreezing at -60C
- Easy to adjust the size by its good combination between chains and peaks
- Adjust its shape naturally in accordance with ground's conditions
- Strong resistance to rust by using Stainless Steel; available for long term storage
- Available for all shoes, especially for people who are vulnerable to an accident on the ice
- Country of Origin: South Korea
- Material: Stainless 304, 420J2, Elastomer
Ordering Crampons
Put the size for each person in the comment section at the checkout page and we will prepare those sizes.